Tuesday, July 7, 2009

off to school..

yes. it is all about my school days. church park. a well recognized girls school that holds its own reputation.. and i don't know why all of a sudden i wanted to pen down a post on this heading. but those days just knocked my head and right away i am starting...

every person has a unique experience and a story to tell about the passage through their student life. school is a place where all of us learn to care and share. "School" is just not a place, but it is a large dome made up of discipline, knowledge, love and affection. i think in everybody's success, school plays a key role. though i did not complete my schooling, i still have quiet a load to bring up. that was a period of time when i had lots of people around me. my teachers, friends, enemies (the ones i thought so).. soo many interesting characters..

i would not say i really really enjoyed, nor i miss my school life. but whenever it comes up to my mind, the only thing i feel is that how nice it would be, if only everyone could be a kid forever. fearless life, cheerful days, the true innocence, no commitments, and the chance of being the real you, that you truly don't intend to.

getting back to the topic, my school.. i just love it for soo many reasons that have no reasons..! being serious., i learned what discipline is, the difference that education can make in a person's life, divinity (that i'm far off from), the support of having friends..
and for the little i no, the major contribution was from this place. the spacious compound, our play ground, the chapel, main hall, basketball court, classrooms, canteen.. they are evergreen memories.. as i've already mentioned in one of my previous posts, my life was not a picture perfect one. but if i am to point out one of the best features in this imperfect picture, it would be my school life for sure. i should thank god for bringing in such a phrase in my life.

ms.linda, mrs.jean, mrs.soundarya, mrs.babra, mrs.alma, mrs.peters, mrs david, mrs.rita..they were all my teachers, to name a few.. and i should say that i was gifted to have them.. a teacher's image will be a reflection in all the students, in some way or the other. as of a saying, first comes the mother, second the father, next the teacher and then the god.. i'd have to tell that my teachers were to be considered first sometimes, as i have spent a lot more time with them than the first and the second ones of the saying. they have been soo inspiring and one of the important reasons why i try to be a good human. their kindness, guidance, care, love, patience and all the good elements, carve them to perfection..

coming to friends.. hmmm...what to say? it would sound a little weird to hear that i had no best friend! yup! but that does'nt mean i had no friends.. during my kinder garden, it was margret.. she was my dearest.. we were soo opposite.. and now i no why it is said that opposites attract! and then it was archana.. i have to say.. i was soo much crazy about this girl! i would do anything to get her attention.. later, i had a very own small gang.. kirthika, angel, archana, sridevi, margret, heba, Celestina and some more.. it was total fun! and a girl named salma.. i would never forget her.. i was in my third standard and used go to the chapel (church) every lunch hour and keep shedding tears.. this sweet girl who happened to be my classmate noticed this and came up to me one day and asked what the problem was and that she would help me out.. that was really touching.. love you salma! and i did consider a few girls as my enimies.. might be because of their over smart behavior.. and they were all the toppers of the class.. i still don't understand why people put themselves on height when they reach a position.. no matter in winning life, without winning hearts..!

about me... no big difference from what i am now.. and one example to prove that sentence was my punctuality.. i was an unpunctual right from then.. would try to be the center of attraction.. and it was not that hard as i mostly find it as my natural gift! i don't know why, but i've heard lots of girls saying that they like me soo much.. and for soo many reasons! sometimes for just what i was.. maybe it was because i was an all rounder.. and i'm serious! i was a good sport and would be a part of anything i could possibly be. i was a pretty good athlete, not bad with studies, trained dancer, fair enough artist, friendly, sporty and the list goes on.. even teachers had a soft corner for me.. and i was atleast lucky with this! most of my talents were recognized and appreciated and that made me feel on top of the world.. but then, things didn't get in place and i was just able to complete my 9th in that heavenly place..

whatever, i love my school and am thankful for being a student of church park.. infact, all will feel the same for theirs, as that is where we have the best memories of our golden days, childhood!
my school was, is and always will be the best.!

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