Wednesday, August 19, 2009

secret of success!

I am professionally a successful voice artist.. And there are a few secrets I consider, those have led me to be one.. but before I could point them out, I will have to start with an introduction, as the main focus of this note is my career.. and here is how it took off...

During my childhood, I had myself doing good with science, dance and music.. so I had these silly dreams of becoming a dance master, singer, music director and scientist, that kept changing from time to time and was not my real intention.. before I could think of molding myself seriously in the right shape, I happened to jump into this field. I never knew dubbing would become my full time vocation.. it just happened all by itself.. After all, being the daughter of an excelled dubbing artist, it was not a surprise for my circumstances to see me in the same platform.. I was not sure if I actually was enough qualified for the occupation at the time I got into it.. I did not even know if I would suit this trade.. alas, time and experience proved that I have underestimated my potential and was not aware of what I truly possessed.. and now, it is my designation that has shown me the destination and has earned me a recognition in this society.. I’ve grown soo much passionate about my work and rejoice in this employment.. ..

Destiny has played a huge part in not only guiding me to the profession in what I am today, but also in shaping my career.. but it is also through dedication and hard work I have proved my mettle. Days have gone when just four or five females ruled the industry. it has become highly competitive with people pouring into the field.. Variation is a must in this fast growing and moving generation and thus preference has become wide open in terms of fresh voices. Stardom, fame and success is too considered in the acceptance of your talents.. I still don’t understand in what way these qualifications help out for a voice to be selected. The reason should be either sentiment that makes no sense, or the reach towards publicity stunts.. and it is to those who come under this list, opportunities favor most of the times..

Beyond all the competition and limitations, it is a very tough job to achieve a firm placement for thyself.. it has now been six years into this field, and I am still working in perfecting my talents in the art.. Though I have a family background in this same media, neither did I make use of it nor did it help in my success.. I was keen and clear that only my performance and talents should preach my name.. I started off just for the sake of making my living and to fulfill my needs.. but then, day by day it occupied me, and became a part of myself.. it stood as a representation of something I was capable of.. and today, I am a proud full fledged voice artist..

If I begin digging what made me possible, I find some genuine reasons for my progression.. that is what should have been the secret of my success, I guess! “A fool becomes an intelligent, when he understands that he is a fool.. a genius becomes a fool when he believes that he is a genius..! Honestly, I know my stuff and never overestimate myself... but I definitely am doing much better than when I started off.. I learn soo many nuances of the art in every project I work with. though I entered as a raw material into this industry, I have built myself into a fair professional. Luck may come your way.. but it is you who should create a limelight through it and draw focus to you.. every time i am presented with challenge i know it is an oppourtunity to demonstrate my abilities.. confidence and talents are the aspects that I have caught with success and experience.. and the best part of me that I myself admire the most is that I neither tend to imitate others nor showcase my individuality.. I don’t hold my own trend and modulation and thus it ends up in a realistic voice tone and mode for the characterization of any role I render my voice for.. I try to give sound to what the director has in mind and it has worked wonders.. I find soo many people saying that they can’t identify my voice and that is the best appreciation I could ever earn, I believe.. mostly, I feel as a fresher.. I try to give my best shot everytime.. and as of now, I am more than hundred films old and am looking forward for more.. more and more challenges, success and action in the transformation process of a perfectionist, professionally..

1 comment:

Joel Thangabalan said...

Pls bare with the spelling mistakes... There's a Spellin mistake in this blog.... it's not SCIENCE but SIGNS....